Thursday 26 February 2015

Filming update

We tried to stick to the filming log schedule very well and we succeeded in this. We filmed in the office and managed to finish 30 minutes early, leaving us time to prepare for traveling and setting up in Welling High Street. Filming in the office, we realised of of our shots were more difficult then expected. The most difficult was placing a stack of work in front of the camera, covering the whole scene. This took multiple times as the stack kept falling over and some of the scene was shown. We eventually was able to do it. Whilst in Welling, unfortunately, the camera had run out of battery halfway through filming so we had to go back to school. We managed to keep to our time schedule when filming for the home scenes and got the shots we wanted, the only problem was the lighting as it was to dark which we hope to improve in final cut pro. 

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